Precedent Gallery

For examples of good and bad precedent images, see the gallery below.

The next theme will be carpark planting. To see what constitutes a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ precedent, refer to the Precedent Gallery Info page.

November 2020 - Setts/cobbles

Good Precedent (Setts) Bad Precedent (Setts)
Examples of a good (left) and bad (right) precedent.

October 2020 - Free-standing Walls

Good Precedent (Wall) Bad Precedent (Wall)
Examples of a good (left) and bad (right) precedent.

September 2020 - Ponds

Good Precedent (Pond) Bad Precedent (Pond)
Examples of a good (left) and bad (right) precedent. The bad precedent has a large proportion of the pond area covered in shade and vigorous pond plants, which can contribute to reduced pond biodiversity.

August 2020 - Trees in Raised Planters

Good Precedent (Tree in Planter) Bad Precedent (Tree in Planter)
Examples of a good (left) and bad (right) precedent. The bad precedent has too little available rooting volume for the tree, resulting in damage to the masonry.